The McHenry Jr. Warriors (MJW) basketball program was formed to develop the fundamental and specific basketball skills necessary for McHenry youth to play at the high school level. We combine comprehensive, competitive basketball with good sportsmanship in a fun environment. The MJW organization sponsors a boys program that runs from Jan 1 until Spring Break and a girls league that runs from April 1 thru the end of the school year. Players practice for 1½ hours every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday evenings at local area facilities, typically McHenry High School, Parkland or McHenry Middle schools. We play 1 or 2 games each weekend, occasionally a Friday night game will replace a practice.
We play approx. 25 games a season, fewer for the 4th grade level. We will play in 2-4 tournaments, including a McHenry sponsored tournament. This is a travel league; opponents are located throughout the NW Chicagoland suburbs and south-central Wisconsin. Most opponents are no further than 30-45 minutes away. Included in the program fee is a uniform to keep that is used for two years (5/6 and 7/8) and an awards ceremony.
The MJW organization schedules and provides IHSA certified referees for all home games, as do other communities who participate in the league. In addition, all communities are required to insure players and coaches. The MJW Basketball program is not affiliated with any school program, nor is it associated with the McHenry Instructional Basketball (MIB) program.
MJW President: Pat Maher (boys), John Lunkenheimer (girls)